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How to Accept the Licence Agreement in Rocket League 2021

As a popular game among gamers, Rocket League requires players to accept a license agreement before playing the game. The license agreement serves as a legal agreement between the player and the game developer. Accepting the agreement is crucial if you want to enjoy the full features of the game. In this article, we’ll outline the steps on how to accept the license agreement in Rocket League 2021.

Step 1 – Launch the Game

The first step is to launch the game. Once you have launched the Rocket League game on your preferred device, you’ll see the game’s main menu.

Step 2 – Navigate to the Options Menu

The next step is to navigate to the ‘Options’ menu. To do this, click the ‘Options’ icon located on the bottom of the main screen.

Step 3 – Select the ‘Legal Agreements’ option

After clicking ‘Options’, a new screen will appear on the game’s interface. On this screen, navigate to the ‘Legal Agreements’ option. This option is usually located on the right side of the screen.

Step 4 – Review the License Agreement

Once you have clicked on the ‘Legal Agreements’ option, you’ll see the license agreement that you need to accept before playing the game. It is essential to read the agreement carefully before accepting it. Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the license agreement.

Step 5 – Accept the License Agreement

After reading the license agreement, click on the ‘I Agree’ button if you agree to the terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, click on the ‘Cancel’ button.

Step 6 – Enjoy the Game

Once you have accepted the license agreement, you can now enjoy playing the game without any restrictions. You’ve successfully accepted the license agreement in Rocket League 2021!

In conclusion, accepting the license agreement in Rocket League 2021 is a simple process that’s crucial if you want to enjoy the game fully. Follow the above steps to accept the agreement and start playing the game. The license agreement serves as a legal document that governs your usage of the game. Therefore, it is essential to read the agreement carefully and adhere to the terms and conditions. Enjoy playing Rocket League!